You might already know you need braces. Or maybe you're just curious to know how we can improve your smile. Whether we're talking about you or your child, it's always a good, proactive measure to see an orthodontist and learn about the ins and outs of your smile.

Your very first step towards becoming a patient with us is to visit our office for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Shrager. Within 30-45 minutes, you'll gain an understanding of your orthodontic needs and prospective plan for treatment.

At your consultation, you'll have the opportunity to share with us where you hope to be with your smile and we'll take time to listen to understand your needs and concerns. We will give you a tour of our office, introduce you to the team, and help answer any questions you might have about orthodontic treatment. We will complete an initial exam of your smile and tooth structure and will provide you with an outline of recommended treatment, including an estimated length of treatment. We will explain your treatment options with you, including Invisalign treatment and clear braces for both children and adults. Dr. Shrager will also provide answers to any remaining questions you may have.

At your consultation, it's our goal to give you our full attention and help you gain comfort in an expanded understanding of your orthodontic treatment options. We want all of our patients to feel confident in their knowledge of their treatment. Ultimately, we know that will make you a happier and healthier patient with an incredible smile that you're proud to show off.

Ready for that new patient consultation? Take the next step right now and book an appointment. We look forward to meeting you!