Braces Vs. Invisalign


Patients with misaligned or crooked teeth have two treatment options available to them. They can either choose traditional metal braces or try the relatively new Invisalign treatment. Both treatments are highly effective and will give you the desired results. In most cases, patients decide between the two based on their personal preferences. At Land Orthodontics, we like to explain both procedures in detail so you can make an informed decision. Here’s a look at braces vs. Invisalign and which treatment might be a good option for you:

What Are They?

Braces and Invisalign are both designed to loosen and push your teeth back into proper alignment gently. However, the approaches to achieve the desired results are different.

  • Braces are made from metal brackets held together by rubber bands and thin wires. They are silver-metallic in color, but you can choose other colors if needed. They stay in place throughout the treatment until the desired level of alignment is achieved.

  • Aligners are custom-built trays made from a specially formulated BPA-Free plastic. They are clear and aren't as visible as traditional braces. The patient can remove aligner trays to eat or drink, but they need to wear the aligner trays for at least 22 hours every day.

Braces have been around for a long time and are highly effective. Invisalign aligners have been around since 2000, but have an excellent record for success.

Why Choose Invisalign?

Invisalign is the perfect solution for people with minor to moderate alignment issues. If you’re concerned about your appearance and feel self-conscious about wearing metal braces, Invisalign might be the best choice. Here’s a look at some of the benefits:

  • The aligner trays are removable. You can take them off when you eat, drink, and brush your teeth, which means you don’t need to put in too much effort to maintain good dental hygiene. 

  • Aligners are nearly undetectable from a distance, which is one of Invisalign's most significant benefits. You can wear them confidently in professional meetings, social events, etc., and still feel confident.

  • The trays are made from a smooth, proprietary plastic that doesn’t cause any irritation to your gums and soft tissue. 

  • The average treatment time is around six to 18 months, so you will be done with it quickly.

  • You need to visit the dentist once every 4 to 6 weeks so that your dentist can keep an eye on the treatment. 

While Invisalign has several benefits, it also has a few disadvantages. These aligners aren't the best solution for people with dangerous to severe misalignment issues. They also require considerable self-discipline. Many patients are tempted to keep the trays off for several hours during the day, which can render them ineffective. You can’t use Invisalign if you have bridgework, back tooth bite issues, or need to move teeth vertically. 

Why Choose Braces?

Braces are ideal for people with different kinds of alignment issues. They can fix even the most extreme cases, which is why dentists recommend braces over aligners to some patients. Here’s a look at some benefits:

  • Patients can see a visible improvement in their teeth quickly. 

  • Braces are more affordable than Invisalign, with the average treatment costing around $1,800 to $5,000. Invisalign starts at $5,000. 

  • Only a dentist would be able to remove the brackets, so there's no temptation to go without braces for several hours in a day. This ensures your treatment progresses smoothly.

Braces aren’t as comfortable as Invisalign. Patients can experience some pain, irritation, and even sores from the metal brackets or wires. This treatment isn’t ideal for people who play physical contact sports because the metal can cause serious injury. It can also be challenging to maintain good oral hygiene while wearing braces. Patients need to avoid sticky and hard food items as they can be harsh on the teeth. 

If you want to know more about braces or Invisalign, get in touch with us at Land Orthodontics. You can call 919 847 7200 or use our contact us form to reach us.


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